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23 Mar, 2023
8 min read

Are Escape Rooms Safe?

Are Escape Rooms Safe | Escape Room Near Me | Questroom

The first time you visit an escape room center, you may ask yourself — is this experience going to be safe? Will I have to face anything unexpected or dangerous? While room escape games in Los Angeles have exploded in popularity over the past several years, many avoid them out of fear. They worry that something might happen; they may be trapped inside or injured in the experience.

Fortunately, modern escape games are designed to offer visitors a fun and thrilling time while still ensuring everyone stays completely unharmed. Even those who suffer from fear or anxiety can usually have a great time without any adverse effects.

We understand why you may be worried. Maybe you filled out the waiver, and some of the language made you nervous — or maybe you’re just worried about your first game! When operated properly, these experiences are completely safe. Read on to learn a bit more about how these unique attractions keep both participants and staff secure.

Are Escape Rooms Dangerous?

You walk into a dimly lit room. You know there’s a switch somewhere you need to hit to open the door across the room — but the path from you to the switch is filled with obstacles and puzzles. Plus, you have a haunting feeling that someone — or something — is watching you from the shadows! Your heart rate picks up, you start to sweat, an adrenaline rush takes over your body… and all this before you’ve even solved the first puzzle.

These games may be thrilling, but are they dangerous? The short answer is NO!

Our rooms are completely safe. You may feel frightened or scared when you step into the space, but it’s critical to remember that it is all fabricated. We do not put our participants in real life-threatening danger — we just make the moment FEEL intense. The thrill of the moment makes solving the puzzles or completing the experience even more rewarding.

People may occasionally get caught up in the moment and do things to hurt themselves or their group members, but even then, the worst we usually see is a bruise or scrape. The only thing that may get hurt is your ego when the timer runs out!

Popular Questions about the Safety of Escape Rooms

At Questroom, we receive some common questions about just how dangerous or scary our unique experiences are. Here are some of the questions we field often — the answers might surprise you!

Will I Be Locked In?

“Am I locked in once I enter?” Yes, most Game Masters (those who run the game) will lock the doors to prevent any cheating. However, you are never truly “trapped” or in danger, as all games have exits that can open at any time if needed.

Should an emergency occur and you need to exit, you can always press an emergency exit button to get you out immediately. However, this will usually end the game for everyone - so make sure you are in an emergency situation before opting for the emergency exit!

I’m Afraid of Small Spaces! What Happens if I Get Claustrophobic?

Claustrophobia (the fear of being trapped in a small space) is a real and very common fear. If you feel uncomfortable, tell the Game Master immediately. Most escape games are large enough for everyone to move around freely, so if you get claustrophobic, there’s usually no need to worry.

Depending on the situation chosen, you may find that the situation triggers claustrophobia. However, this only occurs in the most severe cases. Usually, only one person must enter a claustrophobic space if the game includes it, but some have smaller spots. It's best to call ahead and ask if any of the games have a space that may trigger you.

If you fear getting trapped in a small space, it’s best to be prepared. Prepare an emergency plan and communicate with your team before entering. Remember to stay calm and be aware of your surroundings. Escaping may seem daunting, but with the right preparation and knowledge, you can easily overcome any fears or anxieties. We also recommend before booking you confirm if the room you are interested in has spaces sized big enough to not trigger you, or, if it has tighter spaces than you are comfortable with, if everyone needs to go into them.

Will I Be Tied Up Or Restrained?

Depending on the scenario chosen, you may be restrained with handcuffs or ropes. Some rooms require all of the players to be handcuffed together, so if you feel uncomfortable with this, let your team know beforehand. Some more intense rooms will use hoods to confuse or blindfold players. Again, if this is not something you are comfortable with, you may want to choose a scenario that is more suited to your needs.

At Questroom, any rooms that involve handcuffs or other restraints will come with a full safety explanation and protection to ensure everyone is safe. We always check to make sure you are okay with this before putting you into them.

Will the Actors Touch Me?

Live actors have a way of adding a unique touch, but that doesn't mean they need to physically interact with you. Actors are instructed not to touch the players during their escape experience unless it's explicitly stated in the description.

Our only experience where the actors will touch you without warning is Project Minotaur. Even if an actor touches you, it is never intended to hurt and may be firm but not aggressive. You can always speak up if you feel that the actors are violating your personal space. We want you to be comfortable during the experience and will address any concerns immediately.

Can I Get Injured while Playing?

Sometimes things happen, and not all factors can be controlled. Typically, if someone gets hurt, it is very minor and always accidental.

The action is choreographed in such a way that if you need to do something that carries risk, such as climbing or taking a step up onto something, it is clear there is no risk to you, and you should take your time. There is no more risk than everyday life presents. You may run into a wall or slip, just like you can do anywhere. You should take the usual precautions in the game as you would in everyday life!

What if Someone Gets Ill?

Just like unexpected accidents, some players can become ill while in the middle of a game. If someone feels unwell, declare it out loud, and your Game Master will help. We will ask if you wish to end the game or try and adapt it to help whoever feels unwell. If they need to leave the room, we will do our best to get whatever they need.

The Security Measures that Questroom Has

To keep everyone secure, we take extra precautions to add an extra layer of security for all our guests. When you feel comfortable, you can have that much more fun experiencing and exploring the unique scenario you find yourself in! Here are some of the ways we keep you safe:


Every single game includes cameras, and your Game Master will advise you to stop if they see you doing something unsafe. These not only help keep you protected but gives the Game Master a chance to monitor your progress throughout.

Audio Systems

Like cameras, each game includes audio systems that allow the Game Master to communicate with you as you proceed through each spot. The Game Master can hear you and speak to you at all times. You can always yell for help, and they will answer you so that you can feel safe.

Emergency Systems

We have emergency exit buttons in all of our rooms, and the Game Master will explain what they look like during the rules. These buttons are easily visible and are in place so that you can leave the room safely if needed at any time. This is our commitment to your safety, and we take it seriously.

Rule Briefings

Before every experience, we review rules to brief you on what to expect, what specific triggers may be present in the room, and to make sure you understand what you can and cannot do. It’s essential to pay close attention to all of the information given during this briefing to prepare you for what is to come.

Optimal Number of Players

We have strict capacity limits listed on our games. These capacities include a mandatory adult, someone 18 or older, to always be present in the room. If you have larger parties, it may be best to split up into smaller groups to maximize your gameplay experience.

You Will Be Safe. We'll Take Care Of Everything!

Are escape rooms safe? Absolutely — and they offer a unique and unforgettable way to bond with family, friends, or coworkers. Our goal is to make sure you have an amazing time while also keeping it safe for everyone involved. We will monitor your progress and provide help if needed, but we can’t guarantee success — that’s up to you!

Want to schedule an experience at Questroom? Visit us online to see all of our current escape room experiences, and book your adventure today! You can also call us at 310-707-1240 and email [email protected] any questions to our team here.

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